If you use this bug ridden software, you can be in serious trouble!

A total of 23 new high-severity security flaws have been discovered in various implementations of the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) firmware used by a variety of vendors, including Bull Atos,...
Image Source: ZDNet

Deadly state sponsered attacks on the Palestinian activists

Researchers have identified a new wave of offensive cyberattacks aimed at Palestinian activists and entities that began in October 2021 and included politically oriented phishing emails and counterfeit documents. The breaches are...

Shocking New facts about the APT group has come to light

Details have emerged concerning a previously unknown malware campaign carried out by the Iranian MuddyWater advanced persistent threat (APT) group, which targeted Turkish commercial companies and government agencies. According to Cisco Talos...

How did Russia-linked hacking, harm Ukranian organization ?

Researchers stated on Monday that they discovered evidence of a Russia-linked hacking operation attempting to harm a Ukrainian organization in July 2021. In a new analysis released Monday, Broadcom-owned Symantec blamed the...

This threat actor has been dropping malware by pretending to be someone else

To ensure persistence, the PowerShell installer modifies the Windows Registry and drops a.LNK file into Windows' starting directory. This unlawful alteration causes the malware to be loaded from an encrypted payload...

This gang has been evolving it’s methods to attack your system

The operators of the SolarMarker information stealer and backdoor have been discovered using subtle ways to create long-term persistence on compromised computers, indicating that threat actors are constantly changing tactics and...

Can we consider Data Breach a boon for some Corporate Brands?

Shockingly, information breaks can be really great for a few corporate brands, another review shows. At the point when programmers privateer their far beyond corporate firewalls and expose the private existences of...

What’s the distinction between 5G, 5G Plus, 5G UW, and 5G UC?

In the event that you've seen secretive new symbols springing up on your telephone close to the 5G logo, you're in good company. Transporters are extending their 5G organizations amazingly this...

See for yourself, apart from show off they are not worth your money

AirPods are an excellent product. However, the minor annoyances that occur when using them prevent it from being classified as an Apple device that "Just Works." These are the complaints that a...

Programmers take $80 mn in crypto, stage implores them to bring assets back

New Delhi: Hackers have taken digital currency worth $80 million from Qubit Finance, decentralized money (DeFi) stage, and the organization is currently asking programmers to return the taken cryptographic money. The worth...