Write for Us | Guest Post

TheDigitalHacker welcomes experts and technologists from the industry. Either you are a student who wants to publish about your project or a business who wants to reach the audience who read TheDigitalhacker, we openly welcome you.

Guest Post Submission guidelines

You must read the following guidelines before you submit a guest post to you.

Steps to follow to submit a guest post

  1. The Content must be written in your own simple words, avoid jargon.
  2. Articles that are published on any other platform aren’t allowed for submission. (Don’t waste your time, We check every article).
  3. The article should not be published anywhere in the future in any other online platform (Either personal or commercial). You can share a snippet of the content and share the original link to read more.
  4. Wordcount of the article should as per the following table or more
Type Word Count
Business Articles 800+ words
Product promotion 1200+ words
Buying Guide 1800+ words
Editorial Articles 400+ words
Research Papers 800+ words
How to xyz? 1200+ words
Review 800+ words
Critic 600+ words
Data Breach | Hack | Vulnerability None | Submit Here


Your guest post must have

  1. Grammar checked (use Grammarly)
  2. Plagiarism Checker (use plagiarismdetector.net)
  3. Correctly Formatted (Standard Article Formatting, use h1, h2,4, and paragraph)
  4. The article should make sense to the readers
  5. Relevant Images
  6. 1 Feature image in the size 1200px X 700px
  7. Citations to relevant and authentic sources

Terms of Publishing

  1. TheDigitalHacker and its associates reserve the right to accept or reject the article.
  2. If the article violates any of our rules of “guest post”, we will delete the article without any information.
  3. Any SEO activities on the guest post that harms TheDigitalHacker directly or indirectly will be removed.
  4. The article will also be removed If the article defames or misrepresents any brand without verifiable sources.
  5. TheDigitalHacker respects individuals, brands, and the government.
  6. Any content that harms the public on a mass scale cannot be a part of the TheDigitalHacker platform and shall be removed.
  7. The Original Guest Post Author will be responsible for any legal case or cause. TheDigitalHacker will no more than offering the data available about the author.
  8. The Content that temporarily passes all our criteria and changes later will be removed and if paid publishing fee will not be refunded.

Publishing & Platform Charges

Publishing charges are necessary and they help us keep thedigitalhacker running. The publishing charges are often decided by looking at the article, industry and benefit in both ends (TheDIgitalHacker and Guest poster).

We also allow publishers to publish the content for free to keep the platform open at the same time.

How to submit a guest post?

  1. Send through mail at hello@thedigitalhacker.com
  2. Fill the contact form given below.


How can I find this page with a simple query on Google?

Simply Search any of the following phrases to find our page

  1. “Write for us” + The Digital Hacker
  2. “Guest Post” + The Digital Hacker
  3. “Submit Guest Post”+”Tech” + The Digital Hacker
  4. “Submit Guest Post”+”Tech” + Google News Approved