
The Digital Hacker is an independent information publishing platform. We are approved by google news and we publish trustable content from the tech, gaming, smartphone, design, service, and consumer electronics industries.

Our Vision

Our vision is to deliver content that is trusted and shared. We do not fear big tech. We publish our stories independently and we cove the stories that make a positive impact on the public in general.

How do we do?

We have a system where we research, connect and execute the research, content curation, and publishing. Our one most important goal is to deliver trustable and quality content.


We got 3.47 million impressions from Google and around 1.7M from social media. Being google news approved website, the numbers might change in a short span as some posts gain quite a many numbers of readers.

Infrastructure & Assets:

We have proprietary and inbuilt technologies that track the movement of big tech and report us in terms of news, metric, and market fluctuations. Our big tech exclusive stories are popular and bring a good amount of valuable readership from different parts of the world.

The Digital Hacker is exclusive and stories are authentic and generally shared on social media(Twitter, substack, Reddit, StockWits) and linked by big publishers which include names like publishers and companies like lifehack.com, Inputmag.com, crunchbase.com, stocktwits.com, mspoweruser.com, mtlttimes.com, tellmebest.com, sentinelone.com, cybersecurityintelligence.com, customerthink.com, gamesreviews.com, productadvisor.com, digiperform.com, lifeboat.com, cryptelicious.com, mynewsfit.com, mashvisor.com, knowledia.com, consumerdatastandards.com, and 2000+ platforms.


People TRUST & They Link. The website generally need to reach out to get that, we don’t have to because we are featured on google news and reject 97% of the guest post request. We want to associate with companies having a long-term vision, not short-term SEO approaches.


  1. Amazon (USA, Canada, UK, India, Germany)
  2. Google (News, Cloud, Corporate and etc)
  3. Digital Ocean
  4. NordVPN
  5. Target, BestBuy, BigRock, Bluehost
  6. Godaddy and 300+ companies


For Reporting, Publishing, Advertising


For guest posts and story coverage
