HomeNewsTechBeware! Today, the internet will not function on old digital devices; how...

Beware! Today, the internet will not function on old digital devices; how will this impact you?


Last Updated on 22/11/2021 by Riya

Today, internet blackout may take place which causes internet failure across applications, PCs, smartphones, and even browsers. Therefore, if you are also suffering from internet disruption don’t be surprised.

As per sources, today’s internet disruption will be caused due to one of the world’s top HTTPS certificate issuers Let’s Encrypt’s root certificate, which offers free HTTPS certificates to users, the certificate will expire today.

Hence, while striving to connect to Android and iOS devices you may encounter internet blackouts. HTTPS certificates are a crucial tool using to secure data exchanged between users’ machines and servers, making it extremely difficult for cybercriminals to intercept and read those conversations.

Other certificate suppliers collect fees to issue these HTTPS certificates that’s why for the past many years most of the sites uses let’s encrypt root certificates to safeguard their communications.

Once the IdentTrust DST Root CA X3 certificate ends, applications, pcs, smartphones, and even browsers will no longer accept any certificates given by Let’s Encrypt, thus eliminating them from using the internet.

As per TechCrunch, older macOS 2016, Windows XP computer operating system is prone to be impacted. Alongside this, older PlayStation with older firmware will also be effected by this blackout. According to ISRG Root X1 TechCrunch, Android users will not need to be worry as Let’s Encrypt has been transferred and will not expire till 2035.

Furthermore, users using earlier OS, including Android Lollipop (5.0) or older, must install the Mozilla Firefox browser, which has its own updated built-in certification store. The internet barrier will most likely be resolved as a result of this.

Riya is a technology enthusiast and an avid researcher. She writes about consumer tech, hacking, and technology consumer issues at TheDigitalHacker.
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