Last Updated on 04/08/2021 by Riya
Following the Pegasus hacking case, a new cyberattack case from China has emerged, in which a Chinese hacker group targeted over five worldwide telecommunication companies, obtained call logs and location data from customers of their services. The hacking has kept going since groups initiated a campaign across South East Asia in 2017. The attackers used Microsoft Corp.’s Exchange servers to enter into the telecommunication companies’ databases.
Cybereason’s CEO, Lior Div, claimed that the attackers got “the ultimate goal of spying” by acquiring complete access to the telecommunication company’s database they hacked. Soft Cell, Naikon, and Group-3390 are the three China-based hacker groups that have been believed to be involved in this cyber attack. He further said that, in addition to having a detrimental impact on telecom consumers and allies, this intrusion could also pose harm to national security.
The cybersecurity agency and media organizations are still contacting China’s Foreign Ministry, but they have yet to respond. Although Chinese hackers were also previously blamed for entering into Microsoft Exchange servers, Chinese authorities denied the charges and accused US officials of spreading lies in order to harm China’s reputation around the world. Hackers are believed to be aiming to obtain the personal information of major firms, political leaders, government officials, and law enforcement agencies through entering into telecommunications operators’ databases.
In this modern digital environment, large countries such as India and the United States are included in severe cyber attacks. Even after adopting numerous precautions, the number of cyberattacks is increasing. Everyone was stunned recently when the case of Pegasus, a big cyber attack involving several high-profile individuals, was brought to light. Governments all around the world are blaming each other for the cyberattack, even though the case is still pending in court and no proof has been exposed yet.
Moreover, hackers previously also compromised the data of major companies including Indian Airlines and Domino’s, causing significant inconvenience to its customers.