HomeNewsApple's fourth-generation iPad is no longer repairable

Apple’s fourth-generation iPad is no longer repairable


Last Updated on 22/11/2021 by Riya

Apple’s fourth-generation iPad is no longer available. The device was released in 2012 and is no longer repairable anywhere in the world now. Repairs by qualified technicians, on the other hand, will be contingent on the accessibility of parts from third-party vendors.

Repairs will be costly due to the device’s age. Macrumors broke the news, claiming to have viewed an internal document calling Apple’s fourth-generation iPad obsolete.The device was released with the Apple iPad mini. According to Macrumors,

“Apple classified the fourth-generation iPad as an obsolete product as of November 1, meaning the device is no longer eligible for hardware service worldwide, according to an internal memo obtained by us”

With the 30-pin connector removed, it was the first Apple iPad to include a Lightning port. The A6X processor in the fourth-generation Apple iPad provides double the CPU performance of the A5X processor in the third-generation iPad.

When Apple ceases supplying a product for more than five years but less than seven years, it is classified as vintage. Apple goods from the 1970s and 1980s are repairable, but only to a limited extent.

Obsolete Apple devices are ones that have been unavailable for longer than seven years on the Apple Store. These devices cannot be repaired. Around 5000 Apple Qualified Workers can, though, repair them.

Riya is a technology enthusiast and an avid researcher. She writes about consumer tech, hacking, and technology consumer issues at TheDigitalHacker.
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