Last Updated on 01/01/2021 by Khushi
Absolutdata, headquartered at San Francisco, is now acquired by the digital platform and software engineering service provider Infogain.

Infogain’s recent acquisitions
Recently, Infogain acquired the Houston- headquartered Cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) services firm Silicus Technologies Box, of which the acquisition sum hasn’t been revealed.
Eddi Chandhok, President and Global Delivery Head, at Infogain told Business Line, “In general, we are seeing a strong trend towards digital transformation and many of our clients are actively looking to eliminate as much manual and paperwork they do today. They are looking at automation to increase efficiency and accuracy.”
All about the newly acquired, Absolutdata
Absolutdata is an AI-based Solution provider company, offering its clients advanced analytics and data science services.
Absolutdata’s award-winning NAVIK AI provides pre-built and customisable solutions and services to its clients, such as that of ASK NAVIK, NAVIK SalesAl, NAVIK Marketing AI, NAVIK ResearchAI and NAVIK TradeAI.
COO of Infogain, Ayan Mukerjee, speaking of the acquisition said that it is beneficial for both the entities and NAVIK AI would be a platform that will “dramatically” raise the analytics customer base.
It is the third such acquisition by Infogain since the past 14 months. Infogain’s primary focus is on areas based on data, analytics and artificial intelligence which makes up to 15% of the post-acquisition generated revenue.