HomeUpdateLatest Tennis Industry Statistics & Analysis

Latest Tennis Industry Statistics & Analysis


Last Updated on 06/02/2022 by TheDigitalHacker


The sport is gaining a lot of traction among people all over the world. The growth of this industry is slow but there has been a significant rise in the number of tennis players within a few years. With the likes of top tennis players showcasing their talent on a global tournament, many high-value brands have targeted the sport through sponsorships for promotions. This industry also supports sports good manufacturing companies that are generating good profits through their sales.


  1. The latest findings from the Tennis Industry Association (TIA) reveal that key tennis industry categories have shown a significant increase in the first six months of 2021.
  2. In 2016, interest in the tennis industry grew by 0.6%, with over 18 million players in the U.S. reporting that they played the game. 
  3. There was a 16% in tennis players who were interested in the cardiovascular benefits of the sport. 
  4. Since 2011, the sport has seen an average growth rate of 0.4%. (Tennis Industry Association)
  5. Youth tennis also saw a 7% surge of interest in 2016. (Tennis Industry Association)
  6. Total playing occasions for tennis dropped 4.8% in 2016, with 425 million playing opportunities reported for the year. (Tennis Industry Association)
  7. Over 114 million tennis balls were manufactured and shipped by the industry in 2016, including alternative colors like orange and red. (Tennis Industry Association)
  8. 2.5 million tennis rackets were sold in 2016, along with 3.11 million tennis strings. (Tennis Industry Association)
  9. About 9.8 million people are considered core tennis players, meaning that they find time to play at least 10 times per year. That trend has been heading downward since 2010. (Tennis Industry Association)
  10. Core tennis players are responsible for 81% of the money that is spent within the tennis industry. They are also responsible for 93% of the play occasions which occur globally. (Tennis Industry Association)
  11. 68% of the population which describes themselves as a tennis player is white/Caucasian.
  12. They are also responsible for 93% of the play occasions which occur globally. (Tennis Industry Association)
  13. The only population group besides whites that are over-represented within the tennis community are Asians and Pacific Islanders in the U.S., who make up 12% of tennis players. (Tennis Industry Association)
  14. 1 out of every 4 tennis players in the United States is under the age of 18. 
  15. 41% of tennis players are above the age of 35. (Tennis Industry Association)
  16. 30% of tennis players are college graduates.
  17. 38% of players live in a household that earns at least $100,000 per year. (Tennis Industry Association)
  18. The South Atlantic region of the United States is the most common place to play the game, responsible for 21% of opportunities. (Tennis Industry Association-2018)
  19. 65% of consumers who begin to learn the game of tennis in a structured program decide to continue on with the game when they graduate from their training. (Tennis Industry Magazine)
  20. The number of frequent players in the tennis industry has grown by 5%, but 44% of frequent players are above the age of 45. That’s despite increases in the number of youth players who are involved with the sport as well. (Tennis Industry Magazine)
  21. Since 2008, the sales of green, orange, and red balls is up 375%. To encourage more youth tennis, there have been 10,000 shorter courts either constructed or lined as well. (Tennis Industry Magazine-2018)
  22. Although some equipment sales have been up, the sales of professional and specialty rackets have gone down by 5.6%. (Tennis Industry Magazine-2018)
  23. League participation for tennis players was up 9%, thanks to group-focused activities, such as tournaments, being scheduled more often. (Tennis Industry Magazine-2018)
  24. The number of players who are 10 years old or younger has doubled for competition tennis since 2012, with over 4.5 million balls being sold to players in -2018.
  25. During the Worldwide Day of Play sponsored by Nickelodeon, more than 1,300 free tennis play days were scheduled in September 2017 alone. (Tennis Industry Association)
  26. Having physical education classes in school makes one more likely to continue being active into the adult years. 37% of those who didn’t have PE classes at school say that they are inactive as an adult, compared to 22% who said they did have PE classes. (Physical Activity Council-2018)
  27. 37% of those who didn’t have PE classes at school say that they are inactive as an adult, compared to 22% who said they did have PE classes. (Physical Activity Council)
  28. 43% of people say that the best way to begin a new physical activity, such as tennis, is to have someone else take part in the sport. 31% say it is easier when a friend can come along.
  29. 25% say that they’d be more involved if they were in better health. (Physical Activity Council)
  30. In a survey of multiple age groups regarding which sports or activities interested them the most, tennis did not make the top 10 in any demographic. In comparison, camping was listed as the top interest activity in 6 out of the 8 age demographics.
  31. 35% of Millennials are participating in activities, such as tennis, that keep them at a healthy level. Another 11.3% are active and participated in high caloric activities. Only Generation X members were active at similar levels. (Physical Activity Council)
  32. More players, including youth players, are coming to the sport. The growth rates in the younger demographics, however, are not shifting the spectrum of the playing population. Customers are aging for this industry and they are spending less money.
  33. Only Generation X members were active at similar levels. (Physical Activity Council)
  34. The research available to each company is dependent on membership level and type of business. Customized research can also be performed to fit your business needs. Our main research partner Sports Marketing Surveys was established in 1984 and has offices in 11 countries (USA, UK, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, South Korea, Japan, and Australia) and is the World’s largest specialist sports and sponsorship research group. 
  35. In 2020, wholesale sales of tennis racquets in the United States amounted to about 89 million U.S. dollars. Wholesale sales of tennis racquets peaked in 2007, at 121 million U.S. dollars.
  36. In the United States, the number of students participating in tennis in high school amounted to approximately 350 thousand participants.
  37. In the United Kingdom, over 700 thousand individuals reported that they participated in tennis at least twice a month in 2020.
  38. The participation seems to rise every time from the previous scores.
  39. 55.00% of the total Tennis players are Male and 45% are females.

The Top Tennis players

  1. Despite having a quiet year on the court, Roger Federer was still the highest-earning tennis player in 2020 thanks to his endorsement deals racking up an estimated 90 million U.S. dollars.
  2. He has also consistently ranked amongst the top tennis players in the ATP Rankings throughout his career.
  3. Legendary Swiss tennis player Roger Federer jointly tops the list of the most Grand Slam tennis titles won of all time by professional male tennis players.
  4. Federer lifted his record 20th Grand Slam trophy at the Australian Open in 2018 and he has also consistently ranked amongst the top male tennis players in the ATP Rankings throughout his career.
  5. Serena Williams has won the most Grand Slam titles of all time during her career, with a total of 23 Grand Slam tournament victories. She pulled clear of Steffi Graf to take the overall lead in the rankings after her success at the 2017 Australian Open, in which she beat her sister, Venus Williams, in the final.
  6. Martina Navratilova holds the record for most singles titles on the WTA circuit.

Business from Tennis 

Latest Tennis Industry Statistics & Analysis 1
  1. Tennis equipment ranges from rackets and balls to apparel and footwear. One of the leading manufacturers of tennis equipment is Wilson Sporting Goods, notably used by professional tennis players, Serena Williams and Roger Federer.
  2. In 2018, Roger Federer ended his decades-long apparel partnership with Nike and signed with a Japanese apparel company, Uniqlo.
  3. Company Information: List Of Top Manufacturers/ Key Players In Tennis Market Insights Report-Wilson, Head, Babolat, Dunlop, Yonex, 
  4. 49% of tennis players have a college degree or higher-17.84 Million, Players.
  5. Over 16 Million consumers are interested in playing tennis!

Future of Tennis 

  1. The global Tennis market will reach Million USD and CAGR % 2019-2024.
  2. COVID-19 / Great lockdown has compressed the global economy and with it the manufacturing sector, production, disruption, financial.

Growth of Tennis Industry

  1. In 2018, Cardio Tennis increased to 2.5 million players, a gain of 12.6 percent. Youth tennis participation also increased, to 4.64 million overall, a rise of 1.6 percent from 2017.
  2. According to Tennis Industry Association research, total tennis participation in 2018 grew 0.9 percent, from a total Getting to know of 17.68 million players to 17.84 million. TENNIS PLAYERS i
  3. 2.05 million NEW players in 2018, up 1.8% from 2016

The Industry at a Glance (2018 data)

  1. Manufacturer Year-End Wholesale Shipments (units) –
  2. Tennis Racquets 2.23 Million
  3. Tennis Strings 2.75 Million
  4. Tennis Balls (including ROG) 103.6 Million
  5. Red, Orange, Green Balls 4.4 Million
  6. Tennis Equipment Index 96 (index reference year: 2003)

Total Participation 17.84 Million 

  1. Youth Tennis Participation 4.64 Million
  2. Ages 6-12 2.40 Million
  3. Ages 13-17 2.24 Million
  4. Core Tennis Players (10+ times a year) 9.67 Million
  5. Cardio Tennis Players 2.5 Million
  6. Total Play Occasions 384 Million


The above-mentioned stats depict that the tennis industry is on a slow rise with new players taking up the sport every year. The sport will keep growing with continuous investments and establishments of academies and coaches that will guide the future generation of tennis enthusiasts.

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