Last Updated on 06/02/2022 by Haarika
Lewis and Clark Community College in the place Godfrey shut all their campuses this week and called off all extra-curricular activities, not excluding sports. This decision was made after the director of IT noticed a bit of doubtful activity last Tuesday and called off the network of the school’s computer on Wednesday.Hackers got into the network but never gained control, said the president of the college, Ken Trzaska.Ken Trzaska said, Finally the best thing to do was to call off, allow us and also the experts the opportunity to get a really clear sense of what’s happening here.The president of the college said that in due course the college received an email with a request for an amount of money but he wouldn’t say the number. That’s bizarre for a cyber attack to be able to call off everything on this campus. One of the students Trey Hemminghaus said, There’s no sports, no nothing this whole week.

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The hack and successive campus call off comes just weeks before the end of the fall semester and start of the holiday break.Caroline Lehan, another student said, I’m sure many people are happy because we get a week off from school but yeah, we do have abundant work to do.As per Trzaska, the college informed police and the FBI about the ransomware ambush. He added, a team of cybersecurity experts reached the location on Friday and have been working around the clock to restore the computer’s network of the school, which is stronger and safer than the previous one.Dr. Abte Mtibaa an associate professor at University of Missouri-st Louis(UMSL ) said, they are seeing an outpouring activity in the past two years, I mean, simply because there’s a lot of money there.
The director of cybersecurity programs Mtibaa at UMSL, said most of the ransomware attackers operate out of Russia, China and the eastern Europe. He explained they are always trying to break into the computer systems for government agencies, businesses and colleges and universities.He added, you cannot discover any reasonable explanation on why this particular institution is ambushed apart from they found a susceptibility.Initially Trzaska said he expects the college’s computer network to be back online by Monday and all the students back on campus. However, on sunday the school said that their employees would return Monday, with classes starting again Tuesday.