HomeUpdateW.H.O. Skips Forward Xi Variant

W.H.O. Skips Forward Xi Variant


Last Updated on 08/12/2021 by TheDigitalHacker

The World Health Organisation came up with the naming structure for Covid-19, in this process each variant of Covid is named using the Greek alphabet. We already know about Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta the next variant was supposed to start with ‘Nu’ but since it was perceived to be confusing for the people as it sounded similar to ‘new’ so W.H.O. decided to skip this. The next alphabet that was to be selected was ‘Xi’ but W.H.O. once again said no. This time stating the reason that many individuals have surnames starting with ‘Xi’ and W.H.O. does not want to trigger hate against any culture. However, to the world, there is just one individual known to have ‘Xi’ in their name and that is the Chinese President Xi Jinping

W.H.O. Skips Forward Xi Variant 1

Several individuals have pointed out that W.H.O. is a health organisation then why is it getting involved in politics, W.H.O. should simply follow the system created by themselves. This is not the only incident when W.H.O. had displayed favouritism to China. There were other incidents as well where we could see similar behaviour from W.H.O.

First, when China was following an internal lockdown and building huge hospitals at the beginning of 2020, their international flights were still running till March 2020, and W.H.O did not even question that. W.H.O. even declared that there was no evidence of humans transferring the Covid-19 virus, but on the other hand, few scientists working for W.H.O. claimed that there was evidence of human to human transfer.

Second of all, W.H.O. says that Covid came from bats to humans, but W.H.O. was not able to prove how. Nicholas Wade has explained that usually when a virus jumps from an animal to a human there is an intermediary animal in the process. The virus MERS came from bats to camels and since camels are consumed in the Middle East this virus jumped to humans. The data explaining this phenomenon was made available in just nine months but, to this date who is the intermediary animal for Covid-19 is not proven.

People have started questioning W.H.O. in terms of integrity, especially after looking at the W.H.O. funding we can say that W.H.O. is scared of China. W.H.O. collects funds in two different forms. Voluntary contributions and Assessments. China makes the highest voluntary contributions followed by other countries like the USA, UK, and Germany.

All these incidents force us to rethink our judgement toward W.H.O., for the last two years industries like hospitality, travel and tourism, have suffered so much due to lockdown because W.H.O. announced that is the only way for staying safe. All of these would have been fine only if we were able to say with confidence that the information provided by W.H.O. was not biased

Ulka is a tech enthusiast and business politics, columnist at TheDigitalhacker. She writer about Geo Politics, Business Politics and Country Economics in general.
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