Handheld shower heads offer greater adaptability, openness, and mobility than normal shower heads. Handheld shower heads are connected to your shower with a long hose and can without much of a stretch be taken out to coordinate the splash of water any place you need it.
Just grasp the shower head and guide it at those extreme toward arrive at places or even loosen up irritated muscles with expanded water pressure.
Before you understand what the best handheld showerhead is for you, it’s critical to know your requirements, ensuring that it has all the highlights important to give you an extraordinary shower insight.
Everything from the plan, water pressure, stream rate, and hose length will figure out which one is ideal for you. In this article, I’ll give you all the data you require to settle on an educated choice with regards to picking your handheld shower head.
Styles Of Shower Heads
There are three distinct styles of shower heads: handheld, downpour and double. Every one has various pros and cons. Regardless of what you ask for from your shower insight there is a shower head for you. For our total manual for the general best shower heads available, look at this article.
These shower heads are incredible for adaptability, because of their long hose which gives you more reach. You can clean up head unusual, grasp it and direct the water stream any place you need. They actually have a decent measure of water pressure and can be pleasant for loosening up strain in your muscles.
Have you ever hung out in a downpour shower on a warm summer night? All things considered, this kind of shower head emulates that experience. Downpour shower heads are huge and level, spreading the water out equitably over a lot of room. This diminishes the measure of water compel hitting your body to give it to a greater extent a delicate vibe.
Double shower heads have more than one wellspring of water. With two shower heads, the double choice can give you more water stream and higher pressing factor, contingent upon what kind you purchase. The water supply for a double shower head is typically controlled with one switch however may have two if the heads are totally independent.
5 Benefits Of A Handheld Shower Heads
Effectively Get Hard To Reach Places
double shower head combo
Handheld showers offer the most regarding adaptability. With their removable head and long hose, they permit you to clean up head in your grasp and shower in a real sense anyplace you need to.
With a run of the mill shower head, the water stream is restricted to one course and one point, which means you need to move around to ensure what hits the entirety of the spots on your body.
With a handheld choice, you have the simplicity and accommodation of coordinating the water any place you picked. No more twisting around to attempt to get water to that one difficult to-arrive at places.
Another additional advantage is its adaptability. In the event that you don’t generally have to move the shower head around to arrive at specific spots, basically reattach it to the divider and keep showering sans hands.
Helped Showering
For somebody who is debilitated or older, showering can be a genuine battle. They will be unable to remain in the shower not to mention wash themselves. A handheld showerhead, it permits you to have the option to stay situated while washing off. You can undoubtedly and agreeable flush all pieces of your body without pointless strain.
This can permit older and incapacitated individuals the opportunity and freedom to have the option to shower without anyone else without stressing over slipping and falling.
This implies they don’t need to feel dependent on others to perform fundamental undertakings. This is an incredible advantage of handheld showers that may not be as apparent yet can have a colossal effect.
Washing Off
You know those occasions when you need to rapidly wash off however don’t really need to clean up? Perhaps you have your feet filthy playing in the back yard and simply need to shower them off without getting everything wet. Handheld shower heads make this such a great deal simpler and helpful.
The removable head permits you to splash water just where you need it to go. So in the event that you would prefer not to get certain pieces of your body wet this is the ideal element.
Or on the other hand in the event that you have small children, the handheld shower head is extraordinary for giving them a shower without getting water everywhere. You can tidy your children up rapidly and proficiently, and proceed onward to the following thing.
Making A Spa-Like Experience
In spite of the fact that there are times when you simply need your shower to be pretty much as fast and effective as could really be expected, different occasions you need to take as much time as is needed and unwind. A handheld shower head can give you that spa experience at home due to the additional solace and on the grounds that it serves as a massager.
The concentrated water pressure permits you to guide it on specific muscles that might be tight. This is a decent method to unwind a lot following a difficult day without paying extra for a back rub or outing to the spa.
Water Conservation
An advantage of handheld shower heads that you probably won’t have considered is water conservation. With standard shower heads, a great deal of water is squandered in light of the fact that it’s going straight down the channel while you’re attempting to move around and wash your entire body.
Handheld showerheads help with this since you can utilize water just where you need it. Furthermore, numerous models really accompany an on/off switch directly on the handle so as you’re showering, on the off chance that you needn’t bother with a constant progression of water, at that point you can without much of a stretch turn it on or off.
Purchasing Guide: Handheld Shower Heads
With such countless choices to browse, picking the privilege handheld showerhead might be a troublesome assignment. Fortunately there are key highlights to consider that will help you investigate various models with one another. Beneath, you’ll locate the fundamental highlights of handheld showerheads and what they mean.
Water Pressure
Water pressure is a proportion of the power that pushes water through your lines and out of your shower head. It is regularly estimated in pounds per square inch (PSI). Ordinarily it’s somewhere close to 30 and 80 PSI. Anything beneath this is considered low water pressure an anything above it is high water pressure.
Stream Rate
The stream rate portrays the speed that a specific measure of water courses through the shower head.
This is estimated in gallons each moment (GPM). The normal stream pace of a shower is 2.1 GPM, which implies that 2.1 gallons course through the shower each moment.
In the event that the stream rate is higher, more water is getting through the shower head and the other way around.
Niagara Conservation 2.0 GPM Niagara Handheld Massage Showerhead
Divider Mounting and Good Fit
It’s vital to consider the divider mounting and attack of your shower head before you purchase. You’ll need to ensure that the model you purchase is sufficient for the size of the shower. This implies you’ll require a handheld showerhead with a hose sufficiently long to cover your whole shower, in addition to a shower head that is large enough for the entirety of your necessities.
There are various choices when mounting the shower head, and a few models accompany more highlights like flexible stature and various places that you can put the shower head to make ideal inclusion.
Hose Length and Flexibility
The hose length is vital, particularly in the event that you have an enormous shower. The more length you have, the simpler it will be for you to arrive at all over your body regardless of how close or a long way from the divider you are.
Be that as it may, in the event that you have a little shower, a more extended hose may really be a drawback since it will be more hard to move in a little space. The adaptability of the hose is likewise a key factor. Some shower heads will have stiffer hoses while others are effectively twisted at all points.
Splash Settings
Not all handheld showerheads will accompany various splash settings, yet some will have further developed highlights this way.
The splash settings permit you to change from lower to higher pressing factor, various types of shower designs and even permit you to make fog. These highlights are not norm on all models however so they may accompany a greater cost tag.
Another element that some handheld showerheads offer is an implicit water filtration framework. This permits you to ensure that you’re just utilizing perfect, excellent water regardless of whether your fundamental water source isn’t separated.
This filtration permits you to improve shower insight by eliminating pollutants in your water that could cause things like dry skin.
Our guide on extra water channels can be found here.
Style and Finish
In addition to the fact that you want your shower head to look extraordinary, yet you likewise need to ensure that it will have the option to withstand every day use for quite a long time to come.
Search for shower heads that utilization quality materials and are worked to be sturdy. You don’t need your extravagant new shower head to just last a few years. Likewise, consider what sort of stylish you’re searching for.
Is it true that you are introducing the hardware yourself or employing somebody to do it for you? The response to that question will affect on the shower head you wind up buying. Some are intended to be a simple introduce, where you should simply join the mounting, screw it in and you’re all set.
Others may require somewhat more work and may be best introduced by an expert, particularly whenever confounded water lines and plumbing are included.
Affirmation and Warranty
Alongside sturdiness, a decent shower head will accompany some sort of guarantee, for the most part around 2 years. A model with a more limited or no guarantee may not be the best accessible.
There are additionally various confirmations that it might have, for instance, in view of how much water it conserves, the water pressure it utilizes or for the general fulfillment it ensures.
A few instances of affirmations are from the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or the WaterSense certificate from the
Introducing Shower Heads
Introducing your new shower head doesn’t need to be a cerebral pain. Typically, your hardware will accompany explicit establishment guidelines dependent on its own one of a kind capacity, however for general establishment this is what to do:
1 Detach existing showerhead with a couple of pincers from the shower arm
2 Connect the handheld shower section to the shower arm
3 Fix with hands or forceps, be mindful so as not to over fix
4 Append the nut-end of your hose to the mounting section
5 Fix the hose with your hands
6 Screw the handheld showerhead into the hose
7 Slide the handheld shower into the mount
8 Test to ensure there are no holes
Cleaning and Maintenance: handheld showers
To ensure your handheld showerhead endures, you’ll need to make a point to clean it consistently. Here are a few hints for cleaning and keeping up your shower head for keeping it in the most ideal condition:
When a month, shower with vinegar-based cleaning arrangement and wipe down spouts. Run the shower to wash out the arrangement.
For a more profound clean, consolidate vinegar and heated water in a plastic pack and secure it around the give head an elastic band. Let douse for 5-10 minutes at that point wipe down and flush.
Make certain to store the shower head in the holder to forestall harm or rust.
The Ideal Showerhead For Your House
Introducing a showerhead would be something each mortgage holder ought to do at their end without reaching an expert despite the fact that they have next to zero involvement with DIY establishment.
Which Type Of Finish Fit Your Bathroom?
A few items arrive in a scope of shadings, from plastic to silver, metal, brushed nickel, and then some. In any case, while they might be a similar sort and brand, the completion you pick may influence the things’ last cost.
What Is the GPM Shower Head?
As a rule, higher GPM implies a more prominent progression of fume. Nonetheless, in the event that you live in where water pressure is low, you would have to consider a norm with a greatest GPM of 2.5.
Will You Need Additional Settings for Spraying?
Every so often, you may need a delicate, downpour like shower, while different days, you might want an enormous, knead like cascade of water. There are diverse splash designs utilized in downpour showers, for example, spike, thunder, stream, and air circulation, to give some examples.
Does It Hold the Water Temperature?
Recollect that a ton of circulating air through showerheads use gaseous tension to recapture a feeling of better water development. Sadly, this may impact the temperature of the shower. You would prefer not to wash up on a cold day, isn’t that right?
Consequently, picking the one that gives you a restoring feeling and mitigating joy ought to be your most elevated need.
Top 13 best high-pressure shower head in 2020
1. High Pressure Handheld Shower Head with Powerful Shower Spray against Low Pressure Water Supply

This is a patent planned high-pressure give head a dependable, straightforward and relevant plan for simple. It is a basic handheld plan the conveys an amazing shooting splash against low-pressure pipes. It is water saving shower head with 2XP Turbo Charging. The incredible strength water will unwind and alleviate muscle torments.
This is a great give head a silicone elastic stream that forestalls the development of earth and minerals. It is very simple to clean with fingers.
The construction is durable with strong metal association fitting and hardened steel hose to guarantee enduring use.
The shower body and head are the warmth safe and high strength ABS plastic. Generally speaking, this is a standout amongst other selling high-pressure shower heads available to purchase with certainty.
Warmth safe and high strength ABS plastic
Simple to clean
Silicone elastic fly that forestalls mineral development
Strong metal association fittings and treated steel hose
2. 6 Function Adjustable Luxury Shower Head – High Pressure Boosting, Wall Mount,

This is a flexible high-pressure give head six unique settings to make you appreciate a wide scope of showers. You’re almost certain if appreciating a great shower framework and getting great incentive for your cash.
The construction of the shower head is strong with an uncompromising ABS plastic and sturdy strong metal fittings that won’t break. It likewise includes a treated steel rustproof construction that considers open air use.
The shower additionally includes a removable restrictor to empower you to take out low stream limiter for expanded water pressure.
A self-cleaning spout further forestalls calcium develop. In general, this is an unquestionable requirement purchase shower head to utilize wherever you go.
It is upheld by a brilliant 5-year guarantee so you can purchase straightforward.
Great five-year guarantee
Strong metal associations that won’t break
Treated steel to forestall rusting
Adaptable to use with six diverse shower settings
The greater part of the settings doesn’t work with the stream restrictor introduced
3. Speakman S-2252 Signature Icon Anystream Adjustable High Pressure Shower Head

This is my number one high-pressure give head a licensed Anystream 360 degrees innovation. The movable shower head guarantees you can get any stream you want by pivoting the shower head.
It is a strong decision with quality strong metal associations with guarantee life span and forestall breaks. There is a further protected Speakman unclogger framework.
This is a quality shower head that you can purchase with certainty and begin appreciating astounding high-pressure showers.
It has a consistent stream in any event, when under low tension making it an extraordinary purchase.
An all unique completion guarantees it is rustproof and stunning in the washroom. By and large, this is a smooth shower head to purchase this year with certainty.
Consistent, ground-breaking stream
Flexible head for any stream you want
Smooth completion
Self-cleaning spouts
Somewhat weighty
3. Inch High Pressure Shower Head – Best Pressure Boosting, Wall Mount,

This is an incredible high-pressure give head an astounding 42 spouts. The shower head shoots water at high velocities in any event, when the water stream is moderate. This is your optimal shower head when pressing factor is your most prominent consideration.
It likewise includes a simple to-eliminate stream limiter to support low streams and get astounding a magnificent shower. Everything is designed sturdily with a powerful ABS plastic and tough metal fitting to forestall holes and breaks.
Generally, this shower head will take care of your hard water issues with a self-cleaning spout that forestalls the development of calcium.
You can utilize it anyplace going from to your RVs.
The establishment is likewise simple with a straightforward contort, and you’re prepared to shower. You additionally get a 5-year guarantee.
Tough ABS plastic for life span
Strong metal fittings to forestall breaks and holes
Inconceivably high pressing factor with 42 spouts
Simple establishment
Showerhead holds water in the vacant region after you shut off
5. ShowerMaxx, Luxury Spa Series, 6 inch Round High Pressure Rainfall Shower Head

Accompanying 90 exactness designed spouts, this is another energizing high-pressure shower head to attempt today. The shower head includes a 6-inch-wide plate to furnish you with a reviving and relieving experience.
The rotating appendages of the shower head are adaptable and simple to change giving you the favored shower insight. The water from the shower streams easily at rates of 2.5gpm. There are a further removable stream restrictor and a self-cleaning silicone fly spout.
The spouts guarantee you effectively manage hard water issues. In general, this is a smooth chrome finish give head a solid ABS body to promise you enduring exhibitions.
It is very simple to introduce and accompanies an inherent warmth safe all around chrome finish to forestall harm at when utilizing a warm shower.
You additionally get a significant serenity lifetime guarantee and an amicable help group to help.
Premium ABS plastic and smooth chrome finish
High-pressure water stream even in low water establishments
Exquisitely made with 90-accuracy designed pressing factor spouts
Fantastic lifetime guarantee
A dense stream designs
6. AquaDance 28″ Drill-Free Stainless Steel Slide Bar Combo Rain Showerhead 6-Setting Hand Revolutionary Low 3-Way Diverter for Easy Reach, Dual Shower…

In the event that you need an extraordinary double shower head insight, this AquaDance model is an incredible alternative. This is the best handheld showerhead with a slide bar that permits you to handily change the tallness of the handheld showerhead.
This is a decent element on the off chance that you need to have the option to utilize the handheld showerhead without your hands yet additionally change the position of it on the divider. Additionally, the fixed precipitation shower head is more extensive than normal with its 7-inch face.
This is the best double give head handheld combo as a result of the six diverse shower settings which incorporate force downpour, throbbing back rub, hydrating fog, downpour/fog, downpour/back rub, and water-saving delay mode.
The precipitation showerhead is point customizable and the two heads highlight click switch dial, rub-clean planes to forestall lime develop and make for simple cleaning.
Double shower head
Huge 7-in downpour shower head
6 splash settings
Lifetime guarantee
Simple to introduce
Customizable slide bar
Hose length could be longer
7. Rain Shower Head Stainless Steel – High Pressure 8 In Rainfall Bathroom Powerful Spray Shower HeadsÂ

This is one best in class high-pressure give head 100% hardened steel construction. The Colomore shower head won’t rust, strip, wear off or consume serving you for a very long time conceivable. It includes a watertight plan with a Teflon tape and elastic gasket. You can be certain that there will be no holes with this shower head. It is a magnificent purchase that accompanies an apparatuses free establishment.
The shower had highlighted a ground-breaking precipitation, and self-cleaning spouts with the water stream upgraded for both high and low pressing factor.
You can never turn out badly making this your definitive shower head. It is an exquisite plan which is ideal for practically all washroom stylistic layouts.
It effectively mixes with all insides, and you can go with any tone. You additionally get 3 years guarantee to guarantee there are no dangers on your end.
Astounding three years guarantee
Matches with most washroom stylistic layouts
Airtight plan
Strong with 100% treated steel construction
Somewhat hefty
8. High Pressure Multifunction Shower Head – 4″ Anti-clog Fixed Chrome Showerhead – Adjustable Metal Swivel Ball Joint with Filter

This is another high-pressure give head a consistent, ground-breaking splash to make you make the most of your shower. The shower head conveys incredible back rub settings that alleviation your assemblage of muscle pressure and sets in a calming experience.
It likewise includes a removable stream controller to convey a wide scope of splash alternatives.
The metal turn permits you to change the point of the shower head to appreciate various splashes. Generally, this is an excellent high-pressure give head a beautiful chrome finish for life span.
It is very simple to introduce and fits most standard US plumbing associations.
The elastic spout takes care of any hard water issues as you can without much of a stretch wipe away ay calcium and lime develop.
Elastic spout that takes care of the hard water issue
Instruments free establishment
Movable metal turn to convey various splashes
Ground-breaking rub setting for an alleviating experience
The shower isn’t so wide
9. Waterpik VLD 633 High Pressure 6 Mode Rain Shower Head, 2.5 GPM, Chrome

This is a smooth 6 inches wide give head an advanced chrome finish to glance beautiful in your restroom. The shower head conveys an assortment of give encounters six distinctive elite downpour modes. These modes incorporate the full-body splash, high-pressure power splash, and the soaking precipitation shower.
It highlights paces of 2.5 gallons each moment utilizing the OptiFLOW innovation for more water power.
Establishment is very straightforward in minutes on any standard shower arm permitting you to begin making the most of your shower immediately.
You can do all the establishment with no handyman experience or instruments. By and large, this is an astounding shower head with a simple spotless and against obstruct spout. You likewise get a restricted lifetime guarantee.
Simple establishment without handyman experience
6-mode elite shower modes
Smooth current plan
Against obstruct and simple clean spouts
10. High Pressure Shower Head – High Flow & Pressure Boosting Chrome Shower Head 3 Inch with Exfoliating Bath Glove

This is our last decision high-pressure shower head and an astounding pick made of top-notch materials that will last. The shower head includes a strong construction that doesn’t break or break without any problem. It includes a sharp polished completion of chrome that forestalls rust while giving your washroom the advanced looks.
This is a lightweight give head super high pressing factor conveying a definitive showering experience. There isn’t anything hard with regards to introducing this shower head.
It requires a basic curve on the shower head with no devices, and you’re prepared to utilize. The shower head completely changes 360 degrees giving you alternatives of splashes.
In general, this is an absolute necessity purchase give head the spouts self-tidying to forestall calcium develop. You additionally get a free shedding shower glove and 100% consumer loyalty.
Basic instruments free establishment
Self-cleaning spouts
Super high pressing factor
100% consumer loyalty
11. Delta Faucet 7-Spray Touch-Clean Hand Held Shower Head with Hose, Chrome 75700

The Delta Faucet 7-splash is the best handheld showerhead accessible right now on account of the magnificent flexibility and usefulness that it gives.
With it’s seven diverse splash alternatives, stretchable 6ft, sans tangle hose, and cleaned chrome finish this handheld showerhead has all the extravagant accessories that you could need from a showerhead.
It’s seven shower choices permit you to effectively change the water stream between full body splash, full body with knead splash, rub splash, cleanser flushing shower, soaking splash, dousing with rub shower, and interruption. That makes this shower head exceptionally flexible.
It’s additionally the best handheld showerhead with a respite include which permits you to effectively limit the water stream when expected to conserve water.
In addition, it’s not difficult to introduce yourself and it accompanies a restricted lifetime guarantee ensure, so you realize it’s a showerhead that is high caliber and worked to be solid.
As indicated by Consumer Research, “the counter slip handle and simple turn dial procure specific acclaim.” It has an ergonomic handle that makes it simple to hold and the back rub splash capacities will assist you with loosening up muscle pressure.
Seven shower choices
Restricted lifetime guarantee
Delay work
Simple to introduce
Chrome or white shading accessible
Mount isn’t customizable after establishment
Hose can be solid
order now
12. Antimicrobial/Anti-Clog High-Pressure 30-setting Rainfall Shower Combo by AquaDance

This shower head combo from AquaDance highlights unique Microban antimicrobial innovation to repress the development of form, mold, and microscopic organisms in your shower head. This one-of-a-kind element implies you’ll be getting a cleaner shower insight.
It additionally has two shower head alternatives that both have 6 splash settings: power downpour, throbbing back rub, delicate fog, downpour/knead combo, downpour/fog combo, and water-saving interruption.
The handheld head has a pleasant 4-inch face, yet what’s incredible about this model is that the downpour shower head has a huge, 7-inch face. It likewise accompanies all you require for establishment making it outstanding amongst other antimicrobial, simple to introduce shower heads.
Both of the showerheads have a high level 3-zone Lever Dial Design permitting you to get ideal water pressure from everyone.
Furthermore, as indicated by Tom Drexler Plumbing, handheld showerheads are “simpler to introduce than different sorts of shower frameworks.”
By and large, this is an extraordinary handheld double shower head combo that gives you greatest flexibility and expanded microorganisms battling power. It’s particularly intended to be obstructed free and to permit you to effortlessly rub the spouts tidy of any development. Furthermore, it accompanies a lifetime guarantee to give you true serenity that you’re purchasing an incredible item
Antimicrobial/against stop up plan
Lifetime guarantee
Double shower heads
6 splash settings on each shower head
Bigger 7-inch face
Simple to introduce
The hose isn’t the length of others
order now
13. ShowerMaxx, Luxury Spa Series, 6 Spray Settings 4.5 inch Hand Held Shower Head

This shower head combo from AquaDance highlights extraordinary Microban antimicrobial innovation to restrain the development of form, mold, and microscopic organisms in your shower head. This remarkable element implies you’ll be getting a cleaner shower insight.
It likewise has two shower head choices that both have 6 splash settings: power downpour, throbbing back rub, delicate fog, downpour/rub combo, downpour/fog combo, and water-saving delay.
The handheld head has a decent 4-inch face, however what’s incredible about this model is that the downpour shower head has an enormous, 7-inch face. It additionally accompanies all you require for establishment making it extraordinary compared to other antimicrobial, simple to introduce shower heads.
Both of the showerheads have a high level 3-zone Lever Dial Design permitting you to get ideal water pressure from everyone.
In addition, as per Tom Drexler Plumbing, handheld showerheads are “simpler to introduce than different kinds of shower frameworks.”
Generally speaking, this is an incredible handheld double shower head combo that gives you greatest flexibility and expanded microbes battling power. It’s particularly intended to be obstructed free and to permit you to effortlessly rub the spouts tidy of any development. Also, it accompanies a lifetime guarantee to give you genuine feelings of serenity that you’re purchasing an incredible item
Antimicrobial/hostile to obstruct plan
Lifetime guarantee
Double shower heads
6 splash settings on each shower head
Bigger 7-inch face
Simple to introduce
The hose isn’t the length of others
order now
Handheld showerheads are an incredible method to add more accommodation and satisfaction to your shower insight. With a bigger scope of movement, different splash settings and movable highlights, handheld showerheads in a flash redesign your shower.
The Delta Faucet 7-Spray handheld shower head is my pick for the best handheld showerhead as a result of its seven diverse splash highlights, incredible water pressure, ergonomic handle, simple to clean chrome finish and lifetime guarantee