best mig welder

Welding is the joining of metals. What welding does is join metals or other materials at their molecular level with the technology we’ve got at the instant. I say “at the moment” because welding technology is usually changing, and with numerous military forces counting on it to form their defense products, there are welding processes we are yet to  listen to about. 

What we all know about modern welding is that there are four components to a weld. The four components are the metals themselves,  a heat source, filler material, and a few quiet shields from the air. The welding process works like this. The metal gets heated to its freezing point, at an equivalent time there’s some kind of shielding from the air to protect it, then a filler metal is added to the world that must be joined ultimately producing one piece of metal.

Types of welding :

Welding has been utilized in metallurgy for millennia. Forge welding, during which blacksmiths join iron and steel by heating and hammering, was the sole viable technique for a short time. 

Welding equipment review platform Welder Station lists a number of  the foremost common welding processes as: 

• Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG) 

• Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG) 

• Stick Welding  

• Flux Welding  

• Energy Beam Welding (EBW) 

• Atomic Hydrogen Welding (AHW) 

• Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding 

• Plasma Arc Welding

Different types of welding machines:

There are few differing tpes of welding machines knocking around.  These machines produce heat that melts metal parts in order that they  are often joined. However, there’s not one welding machine that’s  suitable for all welding purposes. 

Larger welding machines found in industrial sites like factories, while  smaller ones are more ideal for non-professional purposes. According to Welding Hub, there are five main sorts of welding  machines. These are: 

1) Metal Inert Gas (MIG)welding machines 

MIG welding machines are kind of the foremost effective around for  several sorts of welding purposes whether reception or during a factory. They have a bent to be ready to handle various metals including soft cast steel, chrome steel , and even aluminium.  

MIG welding is an arc welding process during which unlimited solid  wire electrode is fed through a welding gun and into the weld pool,  joining the two base materials together. A shielding gas is additionally  sent through the welding gun and protects the weld pool from  contamination. The technical name for its gas metal arc welding (or  GMAW), and thus the slang name for it’s wire welding. MIG welding is usually pretty fast and provides an extended arc time  even when the electrodes don’t seem to be fully charged. 

2) Thyristor Type MIG welding machines

They are basically best for fixing objects or mounting them on an  appropriate surface. These machines tend to be of fantastic quality and  may last a very long time. Such welding machines produce a little amount of spark, which makes  them easy to manage. These machines are best fitted to welding solid  core and flux materials. they’re going to handle mild steel, low steel ,  steel , etc. 

The offered welding rectifier is extremely demanded in various  industry segments like construction, automobile, shipbuilding. This  machine is manufactured in a close unit with industry standards. Moreover, we offer this machine at market-leading prices to our  prestigious customers at promised time. 

3) TIG welding machines 

This is more specialized than the others and supplies a clean and pure  weld without splatter, sparks, or fumes. These machines can handle  chrome steel , brass, gold, magnesium, aluminium, copper, and nickel  alloys. TIG welding machines are basically not suitable for fieldwork but are  great for repairing damaging parts. 

4) Spot welding machines 

In this type there’s a hard and fast vertical pedestal frame and integral  transformer and control cabinet. The rock bottom arm is fixed to the frame  and is stationary during welding, it takes the load of the work-piece. The highest arm could also be hinged so it moves down within the arc of a  circle or it moves down during a line. In spot welding the pressure between the electrodes remains maintained for a brief while. Then the electrodes automatically break . And this  ends the spot-welding operation.  

Shielded metal arc welding, also referred to as stick welding, uses an  electrical current flowing from a niche between metal and welding  stick. During this sort of welding, current is employed to make an arc  between the bottom material and therefore the filler rod (also called an  electrode rod). The filler rod is roofed with a flux that forestalls  oxidation and contamination by producing CO2 gas during the welding process. 

What is MIG Welding?

It is a welding process during a sort of arc welding where a wire, during  a continuous and solid strip, is passed via a welding gun and into the  weld pool where it heats to fuse two materials together. What does MIG represent in welding? It stands for Metal noble gas  welding process. Shielding gas is required and is additionally passed  via the welding gun to stop the weld pool from becoming contaminated.

MIG welding is usually referred to as Gas Metal Arc Welding  (GMAW) or wire welding (which is the colloquial term for it). It is a well-liked sort of welding which is capable of welding (for  maintenance and repair purposes) anything from 24 gauge materials to  those of a half-inch thickness. It’s also relatively easy to find out the  way to MIG weld. 

This is because the electrode (the MIG welding wire) isn’t exhausted,  unlike in ARC welding where it’s fully consumed, and thus the welder  only must track a seam while they maintain a gentle tip to arc gap. 

Advantages Of Using MIG Welding-

  • You can easily join different materials in a range of thicknesses You can weld in all positions 
  • Weld spatter is stored to a minimum 
  • You can learn how to MIG weld easily 

Disadvantages Of Using MIG Welding –

  • You cannot weld materials of more than half an inch thick 
  • The need for cover gas reduces the portability of the equipment 
  • The process offers less control over the weld than Tu 

Gas Cylinder For MIG Welding 

This is presumably going to be a tank that contains Argon (at 100%)  or a mix of CO2 (CO2) and Argon. because the weld is made , the gas  is employed to shield it from impurities from the air or dust within the  environment. 

It’s important to settle on the proper gas because otherwise, you’ll find  yourself with a weak or porous weld and it also can cause excessive  spatter round the weld, which suggests more effort to wash it after.

Before you start , check the tank and confirm there’s gas in it. The  gauge should show between 2500 PSI (full) and 0 PSI (empty) and  your regulator need to then be assaile your machine at between 25 and  15 PSI 

MIG Gun 

You can’t weld without a welding gun, it handles the intense stuff  when you’re working. MIG welders will just about always  accompany the MIG gun. Its primary component may be a trigger that permits the feeding of the  wire and when the electricity flows. The wire speed will depend upon  your settings. There’s a copper tip (which is fully replaceable when it  inevitably wears out) that guides the wire. 

You will find that there are different tips which will be used with  different sizes of wire. Most of the time, this is often already getting  to be found out for you. The exterior of the tip will normally have a metal or possibly ceramic  cup that stops the electrode from being interfered with and forces the  gas call at the proper direction from the MIG gun. 

MIG Buyers Guide 

In today’s world, welding has become the foremost popular job. There  are many MIG welders within the marketplace for different roles like  heavy industrial jobs, light industrial jobs, home equipment then many.  you’ll also find many welders which will perform multi-process  welding and suitable for both industrial projects and residential  equipment. However, before purchasing any MIG welder, you want to  consider some things for a far better result which will be the simplest  MIG Welder. Best MIG Welder Buying Guide will tell you which of  them matter you ought to realize before investment. 

When it involves selecting a MIG welder you’ll want to form sure you purchase something that has the potential to attach a gas cylinder thereto. Regardless of what brand you purchase , you’ll want some beginners course welding instructions to assist you along. There are MIG welders on the advert that are only capable of welding with flux core welding wire. 

The problem thereupon is that the flux core creates a slag coating on the weld that must be chipped away because it doesn’t use a shielding gas. Sooner than later, you’re going to want to attach a gas cylinder due to the great weld appearance and therefore the incontrovertible fact that you’ll see the weld puddle far better. 

1. Forney Easy Welder 

Forney Industries is one in every of America’s longest utilize family owned tool, equipment and accessory product companies.  Headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado, the corporation was founded in 1932 and introduced the primary publicly available arc welder within  the 1940s. Forney Industries offers thousands of metalworking results  within four categories: welding, abrasives, personal protective  equipment and shop tools. 

Forney Industries has a large customer network approaching twenty  thousand retail auto sector aftermarkets, hardware, farm & ranch, do-it-yourself and industrial locations across the state. Forney is devoted to  providing the easy product mix and most personal support services  provided. We are large enough to source globally and sell nationally,  yet remain humble to recollect who it’s we are literally working for and  with. 

Product Features:- 

  • These 140 FC-i machines are straightforward to use with the 0.30 in  flux core wire. It can do .035 wire but we don’t recommend it because it reduces the duty cycle of the machine. it’s infinite voltage  and wire feed speed control so you’ll dial within the perfect weld 
  • The welder is lightweight and transportable being 19 lbs. 
  • It can be easy to Maintenance, Repair, Metal Fabrication and  Hobbyist projects, by yourself. 
  • These 140 FC-i machines are simple to use with 0.30 in.  
  • It has limitless voltage and wire feed speed control so you can dial  in the best weld, Perfect entry level welder. 
  • It is a powerful welder with up to 140 Amp output that permits you  to weld mild steel up to 1/4 in plate. 
  • It comes with the welder which is an8′ gun, 8′ ground clamp, combined  handle with torch cover and a 20A-15A adapter.  


  • High quality welds are often produced much faster 
  • Since a flux isn’t used, there’s no chance for the entrapment of slag  within the weld metal leading to top quality welds 
  • The gas shield protects the arc in order that there’s little or no loss  of alloying elements.Only minor weld spatter is produced 
  • MIG welding is flexible and may be used with a good sort of  metals and alloys 
  • The MIG processes are often operated several ways, including semi  and fully automatic. 


  • The MIG welding can’t be utilized in the vertical or overhead  welding positions due to the high heat input and therefore the  fluidity of the weld puddle 
  • The equipment is complex. 

2. Hobart 500559 Handler 140 MIG Welder 115V 

Hobart is a popular brand that manufactures various industry-standard  production tools. 

Hobart Brothers could be an organization with a rich and diverse  history. It had been organized in 1917 by Charles Clarence Hobart,  together with his wife, Lou Ella, and their three sons, Edward, Charles  and William. In 1925, it produced its first welder, which started Hobart Brothers on  the trail to becoming a preeminent company within the welding  industry. 

It also became an outstanding supporter of welding education  with the fixing of the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in 1930. In the mid-1940s, Hobart Brothers launched what’s now mentioned as  Hobart Ground Power after being approached by American Airlines to  style a generator specifically to start out large aircraft engines. In 1958, Hobart Brothers turned to the manufacturing of solid wires  then to the event and production of tubular wires. 

In May 2013, the company consolidated all of its brands under one Hobart® brand so as to simplify its filler metal offering and provide a full  line to distributors and end users. The Hobart brand conveys  combination, adjustment and ability, and should be a recognized leader  within the industry. Today, Hobart Brothers continues to develop and manufacture  Hobart® tubular wires (metal-cored and flux-cored), solid wires and  stick electrodes for distribution across the globe. 


  • The Handler 140 ampere output, 115-volt common household  power. Simply plug it in and weld no extra power needed. 
  • Wire Feed Speed Range: 40 – 700 (Integrated pest management) IPM 
  • Weld up to 1/4 inch metal plates as thin as 24 gauge rating ,with a  broad output range of 25–140 amps. Easily weld heavy materials  with several passes. 
  • Operates – 120V. 
  • Dual Groove immediate change drive roll 
  • comfortable polarity changes over 
  • Resourceful worker for light industrial, MRO, farm and hobby  applications 
  • Assembled, designed, serviced and supported in Troy, OH USA • 10 ft. work cable with clamp 
  • Sample spool of .030 in. (0.8 mm) 
  • self-shielding flux-cored wire 


  • Provides great arc performance with a stable and smooth arc on  every density. 
  • Industrial-quality cast aluminium wire driving systems;  knowledgeable piece of kit boasting an enduring wire feeding  performance. 
  • Convenient polarity changing-over capacity. 
  • Dual-processing capacity makes it possible to figure on an upscale  sort of thicknesses and materials. 
  • Less welding spatter while providing high-precision arc  performance. 
  • Even with low electricity for the entire process, wire feed-out is  accurate for each job. 
  • Dual-processing capacity makes it possible to figure on an upscale  sort of thicknesses and materials. 
  • Low operator skills okay for this tool. 
  • Easy & quick equipment set-up time means you’ll be welding during  a jiff, thus saving time/labour investments. 
  • Provides great arc work with a stable and smooth arc on every  solidity. 
  • 5 Year Warranty. 


  • This unit is best suited for narrow, separate-operators, not for full fledged industrial operations. 
  • Optimal for many small projects but not from within for big jobs. 
  • It can be more costly than gas-operated units.
  • You may need a cart to carry it around on if the unit is to be lifted  often. 
  • For MIG welds, you may need an advanced gas cylinder, thus an  extra expense. 
  • May not be correct for use with most generators or out at sites where  there is no direct AC power supply. 

3. Weldpro 200 Amp Inverter Multi Process Welder 

W Weldpro was born from absolutely the simplest engineering, design  and manufacturing teams from around the world. W Weldpro’s vast  network includes teams within the US , Europe, Australia and Asia. W  Weldpro may be a multinational company that provides its welding  products through the W Weldpro brand within the North American market. 

W Weldpro’s vast network includes teams within the US , Europe,  Australia and Asia. Weldpro will still grow thru the strength of its folks  that are all enthusiastic to welding and customer service. As we grow,  we’ll expand the prevailing U.S.A based logistics and warehousing 

infrastructure, our customer service team, and our local tech support  group. 

The Weldpro 200 Amp Inverter 3-in-1 multi-process dual-voltage  welder may be a synergically designed MIG (DC)/ Flux  Core/TIG(DC)/Stick(DC) welder that takes the fear out of adjusting  voltage and wire speed. The model Mig 200 automatically adjusts and  compensates both voltage and wire speed together while at an  equivalent time allowing the user to fine-tune voltage independently if  they so desire. 


  • Weldpro’s Dual alphanumeric display easy to read and set amperage  and wire speed for repeatable welds on every occasion. VRD high  temp and overload protection with indication. User adjustable  inductance settings.3 Year Warranty!! 
  • Weldpro’s flagship 200 amp MIG welder that goes beyond MIG and  Flux Core welding! 
  • The model 200 is additionally capable of true lift TIG welding also  as stick welding and aluminium welding with the optional spool gun. 
  • The MIG 200 is an intuitive synergically designed MIG / Flux Core  welding machine. 
  • MIG ,Stick or TIG weld all from one compact, space-saving unit.  Welding Amperage Ranges 230V: MIG: 40-200A; MMA: 40-200A;  TIG: 15-200A115V: MIG:40-120A; MMA:40-120A; TIG: 15- 120A; 30% at 200 Amp rated duty cycle 
  • MIG welding wire diameter: 0.024/0.031/0.039, welding thickness:  19ga- 0.197 in; TIG tungsten needle diameter: 0.063 0.094, welding  thickness: 25ga- 1/4 in; MMA electrode Dia: 0.063-0.157 acid  electrode, alkaline electrode, welding thickness: 14ga-0.315in


  • Dual voltage option (110-220V) 
  • Most accessories within the box (MIG Torch, TIG Torch, Stick  holder, work clamp etc.) 
  • Has supports for a spool gun 
  • The 30% duty cycle at 200 amps- output 
  • Very small and lightweight (30lbs) 
  • Long leads 
  • Support for Arc Lift DC TIG 


  • No support for AC TIG welding 
  • No spool gun within the box 
  • We thought the build condition was on the low-end of everything we  tested 

4. Millermatic 211 MIG Welder 

This company launched in 1929 with an introduction that knowledgeable  customers need, developing from a one-man operation. World’s  biggest manufacturer of arc welding products. Miller keeps the  tradition alive by specializing in its top priority: people. We are about the partnership and therefore the work. Our brand is  designed with our users for manufacturing, fabrication, construction,  aviation, motorsports, and marine applications. We lead the welding industry in construct advanced, solution-focused  products and meeting crucial needs for welding security and health. Miller is about building things that matter.


  • • Hook-and-loop cord wraps 
  • • 6.5 ft cord and adapter plugs for 120V and 240V 
  • • 10 ft M-100 MIG gun 
  • 10 ft work cable with clamp 
  • Argon and AR/CO2 mix regulator/flow gauge with hose
  • Hook-and-loop cord cover 
  • Two contact tips for .030 in wire 
  • Drive roll for .024 in or .030/.035 in solid wire, and .030/.035 flux  cored wire


  • setup Auto  
  • Mode Manual  
  • Quick select drive rol 
  • Smooth start function 
  • Auto spool gun detection 
  • Light weight 
  • 240 and 120 AC powered 
  • Runs quietly 
  • Welds heavier materials easily 
  • Very low amperage for light gauge sheet 
  • Handy Auto Spool Gun Detect 


  • A bit expensive 
  • Requires a spool gun if welding aluminum
  • Cost- this much functionality in one box is expensive

 5. LOTOS MIG175 MIG Welder 

Lotos’s headquarters are located in Sunnyvale, California, USA. Lotos  Technology utilizes latest technologies, like MOSFET based high  frequency inverter technology, to deliver a dependable, and actual  current to the cutting surface. It helps our customers easily gain smooth,  clean cuts on a good range of surfaces and materials with less heat and  reduced metal distortion. Our machines are capable of delivering rich  features for many professional users also as DIY users. Lotos also  introduced IGBT technology to a lot of machines. 

The Lotos Technology MIG175 is one among the foremost versatile  welders. It’s designed to weld Aluminum with the spool gun which is  included. Its transformer technology has been proven to be reliable and  sturdy . MIG175 can easily be connected to your existing 220V wall  outlet and may be found out quickly within 10 minutes.


  • Operates on 200-240V, automatic dual frequency (50/60Hz). 
  • Suitable for welding chrome steel , low-carbon steel , Aluminum and  other metal materials. 
  • Reliable and Durable– Its transformer technology has been proven  to be reliable and sturdy . 
  • Wire Range– . 025″-. 030″ Solid Steel; . 030″-. 035″ Flux Cored. 
  • Aluminum Wire Feeder–The durable top quality Aluminum wire  feeder offers a way more stable and better welding experience. 
  • BUY WITH CONFIDENCE: we provide a 30 day refund and 1-year  ,please submit registration form on our website. 
  • Multi Use–Welding chrome steel , low-carbon steel , Aluminum and  other metal materials. 
  • MIG Welder with 175-amp spool gun and MIG welding torch 
  • Welding capacity for steel and stainless steel: 18 Gal. 1/4 in. for  aluminum: 1/8 in. thicker or plate


  • low-priced welder plasma cutter combo 
  • Stick and Plasma Cutter guide 
  • High-frequency start for TIG welding 
  • 100-220 Volt Input support 
  • lightweight machine – 43lbs 
  • Most accessories supplied 


  • 1 year warranty 
  • definitely not for professional workshop use 
  • no TIG pedal included 
  • The stick lead is merely 6-feet long 
  • buy plasma cutting consume from Lotos and they’re not cheap
  •  No AC TIG welding support

6. Lincoln Electric K2698-1 Easy MIG Welder 

Lincoln Electric features a leading global position in robotic arc welding systems and plasma.  Lincoln adds value to its client through its state of art  manufacturing processes and also over the welding support it  provides. Lincoln power company Pvt. Ltd was well-established with a  Regional Office in Mumbai in 1997. The corporation built a state  of art manufacturing facility located at Mahindra World City,  Chennai and commenced production from May 2009. 

Lincoln India’s value added services include training of welders  and welding engineers, improvement and support of applications, handholding support on the company and consultants in reducing  welding costs. For this, aside from the manufacturing facility,  Lincoln features a fully equipped welding technology center and  training facility.

Lincoln is one the highest rated welder machines within the market  because it’s made from some welding machine which is durable and rugged. LINCOLN ELECTRIC CO K2698-1 Easy MIG 180 Wire Feed Welder  is one among them. Let’s have a glance at the outline of the features of  the Lincoln K2698-1. 


  • Heavy Duty Wire Drive – Fully flexible drive system lowers the  chance of wire tangling and crumble. 
  • Brass-to-brass gun network enhances conductivity. 
  • Durable cast aluminum gearboxes convey added drive torque and  quiet operation. 
  • Capable Performance – Forgiving arc makes dialing in your  application accessible. 
  • Smooth arcs start with minimal spatter.


  • Drive roll changeovers: one among the items that impressed us when  using the Lincoln Electric K2698 1 MIG welder was the very fact  that you simply can change the drive roll extremely fast and  straightforwardly, and you don’t need any tools to try to do it. 
  • Easy-turn indicator: We’ve already mentioned the very fact that this  machine comes with a drive tension indicator, but we must also tell  you that it’s an easy-turn feature that creates it even better. 
  • Adaptability: Perhaps one among the most important advantages of  owning this MIG welder – no matter whether you’re an experienced  welder or a beginner, you’ll use this model on multiple materials and  in multiple ways. This Adaptability makes the K2698 an excellent  investment for people that know they’re getting to engage in welding  activities very often. 


Light-duty work: After using the Lincoln Electric K2698 1, it had  been difficult to seek out superior welders at an equivalent price  point. We must mention, more as a warning than as an obstacle, that  welders who expect this model to perform heavy-duty work could  be disappointed. Per the specs of this machine, it’s more suitable for  light-duty work. 


SunGoldPower was established by a famous engineer in 2010, with  rich experience and skilled technology. We are focused on providing  the highest quality green power products for the world. Our main  products cover solar inverter, low frequency inverter, inverter  welder, solar panel and other green energy products.

We have successively negotiated and cooperated with buyers and  traders in Europe, America, Australia, and Southeast Asia Jointly  concluded a large number of business opportunities and cooperation.  Many customers have become loyal customers of our company and  products. This is our resource and our advantage. 


  • • 110V/220V Dual Voltage,  
  • • DC IGBT Inverter MIG 140A welder. 
  • • Gasless flux-cored welding and Gas-shielded MIG welding are  applicable for the machine. 
  • • 0.023”-0.039” Flux Cored Wire and Solid Core Wire. Suit for 2lb  and 10lb wire spool. 
  • • MIG140 welder has flexible wire feed speed and welding current,  you’ll adjust it to fit your application and weld with different  thicknesses. 
  • • Deal for outdoor repairs, rusty metal, farm & road equipment and  maintenance & repair, Suitable for welding chrome steel , low carbon steel etc. 


  • Infinitely adjustable wire speed 
  • flux core proceeding and Offers both MIG  
  • Weld- 16 gauge sheet up to 5/16-inch platter
  • Accepts 2 and 10-pound wire rolls 


  • No include a MIG gas regulator 
  •  Included nozzles aren’t big enough for the connected wire

8. Lincoln Electric K2278-1 

Lincoln India’s value-added services include training of welders and  welding engineers, improvement and support of applications,  handholding support on the company and consultants in reducing  welding costs. For this, aside from the manufacturing facility,  Lincoln features a fully equipped welding technology center and  training facility. 

It is a great pick for welding 18 gauge to 1/8″ low-carbon steel and  comes with everything you would like to urge started fast. This package  sports a gun and cable linked, work lead, work clamp and input power 

line – all attached at the factory to save lots of you time. A spool of  self-shielded, flux-cored wire electrode, welding headshield, and  chipping hammer/brush round out the road up. 


  • Plugs into household 115V, 20 amp outlet. 
  • 35-88 amps output. 
  • Welds up to 1/8 in. mild steel. 
  • lightweight, compact, portable. 
  • 1-year warranty on parts and labour. 
  • Home repair and hobby projects on light gauge mild steel found around most everyday. 
  • Handy Core is versatile and the proper welding procedures are  simple to set, even for the novice user. 


  • For a beginner Simple setup 
  • compact and Lightweight  
  • Runs off standard home electricity 
  • Performance is sweet for lower projects, even without gas welds • positive build quality for the value 
  • awesome price point 


  • Too basic for large-duty projects 
  • Do not use gas 
  • finite voltage settings

9. HITBOX Multifunction Synergic 200Amp  Inverter MIG Welder 

United hitbox company located in the Shenzhen. ltd is that the  primitive professional producer of welding machine Main business  ARC MMA, MIG MAG,TIG welding machine, Plasma cutting, welding torch, helmet, and other accessories. This Hitbox multi-function welder is priced a touch above other Hitbox  welders are because it’s a 4-in-1 welder. to satisfy varied welding  requirements, this is often an important Hitbox 200Amp welder. As  said already, you’ll be using this powerhouse for the multiple welding  processes that include gas-MIG, gasless-MIG, lift TIG and arc/stick  welding processes.

This is tagged as a light-weight welder but I don’t consider it a light weight welder. It weighs approx. 21 lbs, which is heavier than other  Hitbox welders are. However, the welding equipment allow you to  enjoy four welding processes therefore the 21 lbs weight is  considerable. 


  • 220V DC inverter welder, MULTI-FUNCTION MIG WELDER  200A with MIG/ARC/LIFT TIG gas gasless multi Functions. 
  • Gasless & Gas available1kg/ 5kg 0.8-1.0mm solid wire with gas  welding iron; 0.8-1.0mm flux-cored wire without gas welding steel  and chrome steel . 
  • Great & Simple design, beautiful, small size, light weight, easy to  hold. 
  • ACCESSARIES INCLUDING MB15 MIG gun, earth clamp,  electrode holler, gas tube, 1kg 1.0/0.8mm flux-cored wire and  portable plug, able to use! 
  • 1-YEAR WARRANTY – HITBOX MIG200 welder offers good  warranty.


  • High value for the money spent 
  • Easy to set-up 
  • Shortage wire feed controls 
  • Sturdy feel from the surface 
  • Adjustability voltage/amp 


  • The user manual is not helpful. 
  • It lacks feeder activity adjustment. 
  • It lacks a button to deactivate the feed. 
  • Little ground cable

10. YESWELDER Digital MIG-205DS 

YesWelder founders wanted to supply motivation and inspiration for  welders of all skill levels. We knew that, to realize this, we would have  liked to talk to people a bit like you – skilled tradespeople doing the  work day in, day out. YesWelder supply affordable and high-quality  welding machinery to those entering and experienced within the world  of welding. The folks that need, buy and use the equipment. We show  up trade shows round the world and spoke to both suppliers and welders  themselves to realize an understanding of their needs, wants and pain  points. 

In 2018, we revamped YesWelder to become an immediate to  Consumer business. We cut out the suppliers and wholesaler , removing  the barriers between ourselves and our customers to form it easy and  affordable for anyone to get quality welding equipment. YesWelder has  supplied welding material and parts for everybody from hobbyists  doing a touch of welding in their spare time to major US brands. We  invite you to become a part of our society of welders and luxuriate in  welding with YesWelder.


  • Synergic Controlled on MIG function, easy and forthright operation
  • 4 Functions in 1 of Lift TIG / Gas MIG /Gasless MIG 
  •  Can take up to 0.9mm MIG solid wires and 0.9mm MIG FLux wire 
  • D100/D200 rolls of MIG wire Apply 
  • 200 Amp Gas MIG welder with a 50 Amp plug220V
  •  160 Amp Gas MIG welder with a 35 Amp plug110V 
  • IGBT inverter technology, Full 30-205Amp(max) with  alphanumeric display , reliable quality and stable performance 
  • Synergic Control, Automatic change of the voltage & wire feeding  speed by adjusting the amperage or choosing different thicknesses 
  • The MIG-205DS is efficient of true lift TIG(need buy extra tig lift  torch, not included inside product) welding also as stick welding  ,The MIG-205DS is an intuitive synergically designed MIG/MAG/  Flux Core/ARC/Lift TIG welding machine.


  • Versatile and straightforward to use and straightforward to setup
  •  Lightweight design and compact for usage and storage 
  • Synergic Controlled on MIG function, very easy and straightforward  operation. 
  • 4 Functions in 1 of Gasless MIG / Lift TIG / Stick 
  • Can take up to 1.0mm MIG solid wire and 1.0mm MIG Flux wire
  •  Only Apply to D200 rolls  
  • 1-year warranty 
  • Metal wire drive organization 


  • Not made in US 
  • Not a well-known company

11. Hobart Handler 210 MVP 

Hobart Brothers could be an organization with a rich and diverse history. it had been organizing in 1917 by Charles Clarence Hobart,  together with his wife, Lou Ella, and their three sons, Edward, Charles  and William. In 1925, it produced its first welder, which started Hobart Brothers on  the trail to becoming a preeminent company within the welding  industry. It also became a outstanding supporter of welding education  with the fixing of the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in 1930. 

In the mid-1940s, Hobart Brothers launched what’s now mentioned as  Hobart Ground Power after being approached by American Airlines to  style a generator specifically to start out large aircraft engines. In May 2013, the company consolidated all of its brands under one  Hobart® brand so on simplify its filler metal offering and provide a full  line to distributors and end-users. The Hobart brand convey  combination, adjustment and ability, and should be a recognized leader  within the industry. 



  • Max 210 amps in small, portable case  
  • 7 voltage selections – Permit easier fine control of the output  parameters for upgraded arc, less spatter, better bead appearance,  excellent penetration and minimal post-weld clean-up. 
  • OPTIONAL Spool Runner 100 spool gun plugs directly into the  Handler 210 MVP, no added adapters or control boxes needed! Just  remove the quality MIG gun and replace it with the Spool Runner  100 spool gun, flip the turn on the middle panel from “MIG Gun” to  “Spool Gun” and you’re able to go. 
  • Proven built- Provides positive feed with adjustable tension.
  •  quick access for threading wire. 
  • Replaceable, built-in contactor – Eases use and excellent feature .  
  • Convenient polarity changeover with tip holder – Access makes it  quick and straightforward to vary polarity when switching from  solid wire to flux-cored wire. Includes convenient storage holes for  spare tips. 
  • Quick-change, dual groove drive rolls – Easy to vary from one wire  diameter to a different .023/.025 in. or .030-.035 in. 
  • Protects the unit against current overload. 
  • Self-resetting thermal overload – Protects power transformer to  make sure reliability. 
  • Protects wire feed system from overload. 
  • 5-year warranty on transformer and stabilizer; 3 years on electronics  and 1 year on MIG gun. 
  • Allows you to fine control the output parameters for improved arc  performance with less spatter for a far better bead appearance and  fewer pack up .


  • Adaptable – Works on 120 and 220Volts, accepts wire reels 4-8  inches 
  • limited dimensions 
  • Max 210 amps 
  • Settings 7 voltage  
  • Simple to use
  • made from sturdy materials 
  • created in safety features 
  • Detailed user standard 
  • You can get an extra spool runner 100 spool gun to MIG weld  aluminum 


  • 79lbs Product weigh 
  • Most of the cables are too small. 
  • 30% duty cycle at 150 Amps 

12. Weldpro 155 Amp Inverter MIG Welder 

W Weldpro was born from absolutely the simplest engineering, design, and manufacturing teams from around the world. W Weldpro’s vast network includes teams within the US, Europe, Australia, and Asia. W  Weldpro may be a multi-national company that provides its welding products through the W Weldpro brand within the North American market. 

W Weldpro’s vast network includes teams within the Us, Europe,  Australia, and Asia. Weldpro will still grow thru the strength of its folks that are all enthusiastic about welding and customer service. As we grow,  we’ll expand the prevailing U.S.A based logistics and warehousing infrastructure, our customer service team, and our local tech support group. 

This welder has a one of a kind electronic reactor circuit, that can correctly control the short-circuiting move, and blended exchange brought about preferred execution over different machines. 

The Weldpro model 155 is an astounding decision for your reception,  grinding away, or to require with you for employment within the field.  Weldpro remains behind its quality welders with a whole two-year guarantee. Quality you’ll trust and believe for a substantial length of your time to come! 

welder runs on either 110/115 or 220/230 volts. The welder is conveyed prepared to utilize it. welds up to ¼ in. gentle steel that’s appropriately arranged 220-volt contribution, in both MIG, motion cored, and stick welding. 


  • Weldpro Mig155GD is probably the foremost capable and versatile  MIG welder in its class. Equipped with features designed to satisfy even the foremost demanding welding jobs while not breaking the bank. The 155 GD can perform MIG, flux core and DC stick welding also because of the ability to adapt scratch TIG with the optional TIG  torch available through our website. 
  • This latest version of our economy-minded 155 amp MIG welder now includes the power to get rid of the torch cable and replace it with our aluminum spool gun.  
  • The MIG155GD .023, .030, and .035 MIG and flux cord wire. No got to disconnect electrical terminals change polarities. 
  • Packaged with multiple drive rollers, both smooth and knurled for flux core welding, a reel of the flux core wire, and a gas regulator for  MIG welding, alongside a stick welding electrode stinger, the  MIG155GD is prepared to handle most any DC welding needs. 
  • Portable, capable and versatile, still with the power to run 120V also as 240V this tiny powerhouse is hard to beat. 


  • Trigger lock 2T/4T 
  • Optional parts will run on TIG 
  • Infinitely adjustable wire run and heat
  • Carry gas regulator 
  • Happen with a stick arc electrode clamp 


  • Some customers complain of poor wire feeding 
  • The machine only mounts 2-pound wire spools 

13. Forney 318 190-Amp MIG Welder, 230-Volt 

Forney Industries is one every of America’s longest utilized family-owned tool, equipment, and accessory product companies.  Headquartered in Fort Collins, Colorado, the corporate was founded in  1932 and introduced the primary publicly available arc welder within the 1940s. Forney Industries offers thousands of metalworking results within four categories: welding, abrasives, personal protective equipment, and shop tools. 

Forney Industries have a large customer network approaching twenty thousand retail auto sector aftermarkets, hardware, farm & ranch, do-it-yourself and industrial locations across the state. Forney is devoted to providing the easy product mix and most personal support services provided. We are large enough to source globally and sell nationally,  yet remain humble to recollect who it’s we are literally working for and with. 

The Forney comes with a 10’ welding torch, 15’ cord, regulator, and ground clamp. Its input range is up to 190/230V. It is often used on forged iron, Inox, Low steel, and aluminum. The wire feeder is that the cast-aluminum drive roll system. It allows it to last longer and weld heavy-duty materials. It welds metal up to 3/8” and there’s a flow-meter included with the unit.

The product is flexible having the ability to process MIG and flux-core. Two consumables are compatible and it comes with a Euro-connect  MIG gun connection. The spool-gun is 20-ft. long and is right for aluminum wire. it’s an integrated gas line and provides the user almost unlimited freedom during gas welding. 


  • Forney 190 MIG is simper to use, featuring Euro-Connect MIG  gun with TWECO style consume. This machine also looks fast disconnect to switch out the torch and clear the liner. 
  • IMPROVED DESIGN- This machine features an improve cast aluminum wire drive system, dual geared idler, and drive roll with a better de-spooler. This welder also features unified feet, torch wrap.
  • Core able unit that welds up to 3/8-inch, and features a larger  cabinet for a simpler approach to 4″ and 8″ spools 
  • DIY, Metal Fabrication, Maintenance 


  • 5-year warranty 
  • Have new, enhanced, and upgraded functions 
  • Can be used for difficult jobs and workshop 
  • Parts are convertible 
  • Simple to set up 


  • Not portable 


The MIG welder has the functions and features you’re trying to find to perform your job whether you’re knowledgeable or a hobbyist. However, there are many MIG welders to match and choose between, each with pros and cons. For this reason, you ought to study your options well, and appearance into the welder’s size and weight,  power, functionality, and safety features. 

For reference, you’ll start comparing your options supported by the highest picks we’ve listed within the reviews above. Each of them is exclusive, so you ought to attempt to compare and see which one is suitable for the applications that you plan to use them. 

  1. Forney Easy Welder is the Best Among all the MIG Welders. 
  2. SUNGOLDPOWER MIG Welder is available at a cheaper and best price

We do hope that you simply can choose the proper welder which will be suitable for you supported the dimensions of your welding project, wire size, metal thickness, and other things to play a role in helping you identify the simplest welding machine for you. Buy the simplest MIG welder today!