Google bug bounty

Google will pay you if you report apps misusing data.

Reportedly, Google is ready to pay security researchers who find verifiable and unambiguous proof of data abuse using its platforms. Sincere efforts were taken by the company to identify users who misuse...

India Fails to Achieve Success of Robotic Spacecraft Landing on Moon

India's attempt of landing a robotic spacecraft near the moon's the South Pole on Saturday seemed to fail. The initial parts of the descent went smoothly. But less than 2 miles higher than the surface, the trajectory diverged from...

Peter Thiel is venturing down from Meta’s board

Investor Peter Thiel is venturing down from his long-standing job on Meta's (previously Facebook's) directorate. The New York Times revealed the news on Monday, and Meta affirmed it in a public...

Google removes various loan apps from Play Store for not complying with safety norms;...

On Thursday, Google removed various loan apps in India from Play Store after a thorough review of these apps revealed they have been violating various safety norms and were flagged by...

WhatsApp reverts back to MEITY’s letter entailing various objectionable elements of it’s new set...

Earlier on Tuesday, the Ministry of Information and Technology of India wrote a letter to the Facebook Inc. owned messaging app, WhatsApp's CEO Will Cathart, in response to its newly amended...

Fake FaceApp Software Might Infect Your Device

While the talk continues on the privacy implications of participating in the viral FaceApp Challenge, security researchers have currently issued warnings concerning fake FaceApp challenge apps spotted in the wild and...
Apple News Plus Promises to Improve Services

Apple News Plus Promises to Improve Services

Apple News Plus seems to be floundering just months before its release, according to details shared by Business Insider. Apple News+ is quite a big part of Apple’s push into digital...

Meta warns 50,000 users about ‘surveillance-for-hire’ firms targeting them.

Around 50,000 Facebook and Instagram users have been notified by Facebook's parent corporation Meta that their accounts have been spied on by commercial "surveillance-for-hire" operations all across the world. According to an...

Snapchat and Facebook concur that the fate of web-based media looks like TikTok

Snapchat concocted the Stories organization of sharing pictures and recordings that vanish. Presently the organization is showing, alongside Facebook, that the eventual fate of online media looks more like TikTok. In comments...

Facebook on the Early Stages to Clone Clubhouse

Clubhouse is the latest social network to storm the world, which can only mean one thing: Facebook is going to clone it. This is not the first time that Facebook has tried...